Sunday, 4 May 2014

Bye bye, Facebook app

Daniela Pesconi-Arthur

      Drastic? Yeah, you can say that. Why? Well, let's say I want to avoid all the Mother's Day messages and poems and posts, just so I don't hurt more. It's the second Mother's Day without my mum (Letter's to my mother). Well, at least a Brazilian Mother's Day, cause if you also count the ones in the UK, then that will be the 4th for me. No, thank you very much.
      I'll be using Facebook from my laptop only now, and just to post my blog(s) updates. I'll do my best to keep up with birthdays as well, and I already apologise if I miss yours. I really didn't mean to.
      I won't disappear entirely, though. You can always come and visit the Potter's Shed anytime and leave me messages here. You can also contact me on Twitter. It's just Facebook that I'm "running away" from. I will continue to express my opinion about loads of stuff, and will continue to share stories, bits of life and and love (as my dear friend Fran wrote to me, about reading my blog! Thanks, Fran!). I found out that I express my opinions much better in writing long texts or articles, and not participating in "conversations" over Facebook posts and comments. 
      Aos meus amigos que nao falam ingles, deixei ao lado um widget "Translate this page". Ate que funciona legal pra traduzir do ingles pro portugues. E voces podem ler qualquer texto em portugues. Olhem soh:

I hope you like it and keep on visiting.
Thanks a million!

Dani. x



  1. I came very close to leaving Facebook after our country's Sandy Hook shooting, because of the overwhelming nature of it. It's always a good thing to control social media rather than have it control you. I applaud you.

    1. Hi! Thanks for your comment... Facebook can be a plague, can't it? I'm going to start using the time I waste on it to do more productive stuff, like writing, for example. :)

  2. I too keep my FB views limited to my computer, and don't check it on my mobile device. Setting limits allows me to use social media but not be chained to it!
